Whichever dickhead said “the universe only gives you what you can handle” is a real, well, dickhead! Jo, what a wild ride. Well done on getting through with your sense of humour intact. ☺️

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Ha! Thank you! And yep, if we didn't laugh we'd die, etc. That's the saying, right? 😅 xx

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Hi Jo, ha ha ha.. "My thoughts are dicks".. you do crack me up! 🤣

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😅 They absolutely are total dicks

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Sorry you're feeling so ragey, but can completely understand why, I mean holy shit your whole life tipped on its head last year.

Just bought you a coffee in an attempt to lighten your load even if only slightly, feel free to throw it at the next person that doesn't thank you for moving out of their way - they deserve it.

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Ahhh, thank you so much! That's incredibly kind and much appreciated. I shall buy it, sip it, throw it and feel much less ragey xx

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Anger is productive 👊 Sadness can suck a d*ck, but anger I can work with! Xo

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100% hard agree!

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Your take on anger as part of healing is so refreshing! How it’s both maddening and, oddly, motivating. The way you balance all that with humor (“Sew it on a pillow”) made me laugh and tear up at the same time. Also, congrats on making it through such a harrowing year. Rooting for you at your checkups, and I’m so glad you’re writing weekly again. You’ve got this. 💛

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Thank you! This really means a lot 🫶

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