Thanks for writing! I’m currently undergoing cancer treatment (cycle 5 on Monday - so excite 🤪) and I really resonate with your words. No idea who the fuck I am anymore, but I’m getting through it, and I can’t wait to feel like I’m loving again. Thanks again!

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Thank you so much for your message, Sophie. I'm so sorry to hear you're having to go through chemo. It was the absolute worst – but it does end and it does work. You're still there, you're still you, I promise. You just might not want to do all the stuff you used to do when you feel better and that's okay. In fact, it's more than okay – I really believe reassessing things is necessary. We have to try to accept what's happened to us and that means accepting life will be different – in a good way. Best of luck with the treatment, am sending you all the good vibes and best wishes in the world. x

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This means so much, Jo. "it does end and it does work" has held me more than you know the past few weeks. Hope you're well, and sending all the well wishes right back at you x

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🫶 There were points where I couldn't imagine ever feeling well again, but I'm up to 5,000 steps a day now and my hair is growing back. Chemo is poison, but it's miracle poison. Keep going. You can do this 💪 x

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Aug 24Liked by Jo Usmar

Jo, I can't believe that what you've written here is exactly how I feel lately.. Even though our situations are completely different - WOW. SA survivor finally coming out of the fog and realising I can decide how to move forward. I don't have to go back to "normal" either. I'm so much more present too, loving that for you. It's definitely weird and scary, but it is also exciting. Thank you, Jo x

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Thanks so much for the message, Victoria. So glad the piece resonated with you and, much more importantly, that you're coming out of the fog of what sounds like a properly awful situation. Good for you! 🥳 We don't have to return to normal! Normal can sod right off. We can choose what we take with us into the future and what we don't. It is exciting! You should be super proud of yourself. Am wishing you all the best x

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You are my hero. Happy fuck that'ing to you.

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Yeeeesssss, thank you!

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