I haven't watched cake or death in years, so thank you for that.

Brilliant piece of writing and truly excellent news, so happy for you and your family.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to browse Funda...

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What fantastic news - congratulations! (A brilliant piece of writing, too.)

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Thank you!

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That's wonderful news, Jo. Xx

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Thank you, Ellie 🫶

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I'm so so happy and proud of you Jo! First time I'm listening to your audio version as I read along & you have a lovely voice!

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Thank you! 🫶

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Aug 11Liked by Jo Usmar

Congratulations Jo! I wish I wasn't so anal about not skipping to the end, that was edge of my seat, touch and go if I'd make it to the end. I am so relieved and happy for you!

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Thank you! 💛 Haha, I'm glad you waited for the big reveal! (And I'm glad it was good news 😅)

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Sending SO MUCH LOVE - I’m in awe of your courage and your brilliant writing XXXXX

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Thank you, Daisy! 💛 It's been a mad old time xx

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Congratulations! And thank you for the shoutout – I’ve dropped the paywall on it so I can bore more people to tears.

All the best for your recovery. ❤️‍🩹

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Thank you 🫶 And I absolutely love your piece. I remembered it from eight months ago and had to give it a shoutout. (At that time I was never out of sodding waiting rooms and it spoke to me hard.) x

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Aug 9Liked by Jo Usmar

So glad for you and yes the writing for scan results makes me feel like I have PTSD

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Thank you! And yep, it's the worst 😰

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Aug 9Liked by Jo Usmar

Congratulations!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you! 💛

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Do you realize how much you lived in the past few days. It was dress up day and you tried on every emotion.

Some people don't live that much in their whole life.

You're lucky.

I almost died once. Everyone thought I might but didn't want to say it out loud.

Magenta fog and peaceful is my memory of it. Just two hospital floor tiles forward and I was there. No one could hold me accountable. I was cleared for takeoff.

I'd never before felt so complete and content staring at that subway car door leading to the next destination.

There will be things unfinished when my time comes. Some will be discarded and others will be completed by others.

This epiphany took place in 2003 and I have not been afraid of death since.

15 years later in 2018 I met the love of my life. She was already in Heaven, which is another level of understanding.

Suffice to say I welcome the day now.

You almost died. Now you have a new compass for the rest of your life. You'll never take time for granted again.

You will live a better life than you ever could have before all of this happened to you.

If I learn that tomorrow is my last day, then it will simply be the next thing to do.

You might have five hours or seventy years. Enjoy them and strive to make each moment count.

Perhaps someone else will learn to live by your example.

You are blessed.

God's love and hugs,


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