Mar 22, 2023Liked by Jo Usmar

I am very happy to boast that I am queen of saying no. Granted, it wouldn't hurt for me to say yes now and again. And I truly believe I will when someone suggests an event in which I can imagine enjoying taking part. But I took this Phoebeism very seriously a long time ago and thought, "Hmmm, she's right, it's none of their business why I say no." So when someone asks, I say no, and I don't offer a qualifier. Only a couple of times have I been challenged, "Oh you're busy?" "No." I reply.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jo Usmar

“We’re only the lead character in our own life – not in anyone else’s” - I think about this a lot! Despite being such a simple, obvious statement, it’a pretty mind-blowing when you really think about it. I’ve found it’s one of the most helpful ways to re-set your perspective on something you’re overthinking 🙌

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Jo Usmar

wish I'd seen this about 30 years ago - took me bloody years to work it out on my own

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